Changes & Connections
Amrit Singh

Changes & Connections is a series revolving around a few members of Amrit Singh’s family. He has approached this project showcasing how these people have changed over the years, as well as how they are connected through their features. The individuals in this series include his mom, dad, brother, and aunt. Through the making of this project and by examining the final results, he noticed certain things about his family that he did not pick up on before. It provided him with the opportunity to further understand his own family and identify ways in which they are connected. By including recent images of everyone as well as archives from the past, it allows for viewers to make a direct comparison and analysis. Only by observing the past can we notice how things have changed. In recent times, he began to notice that his family was changing. So, one of the main reasons for this project was to further explore each individual as well as document them in the current moment. Amrit aims to continue on with this project over the years by documenting the same people as they grow older, and by including additional family members.